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Fortune Cookie Sayings 🥠 in 2024
A dubious friend may be an enemy in camouflage.
Allow compassion to guide your decisions.
Do not underestimate yourself. Human beings have unlimited potentials.
Go take a rest; you deserve it.
A lifetime friend shall soon be made.
Believe it can be done.
Education is the ability to meet life’s situations.
A soft voice may be awfully persuasive.
Dedicate yourself with a calm mind to the task at hand.
Fear and desire – two sides of the same coin.
A faithful friend is a strong defense.
An acquaintance of the past will affect you in the near future.
Do you know that the busiest person has the largest amount of time?
Get your mind set…confidence will lead you on.
A lifetime of happiness lies ahead of you.
Better ask twice than lose yourself once.
Embrace this love relationship you have!
A truly rich life contains love and art in abundance.