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Japanese Sayings ⛩️🍣🍡 in 2025

Baka na ko hodo kawaii.
”The more stupid the child the dearer it is.”

Gou ni itte wa, gou ni shitagae.
”Entering the village, obey the village ”

Eizoku-sei no ki no ue de okane ga sodachimasu.
”Money grows on the tree of Persistence.”

Tonbi (or Tobi) ga taka wo umu
”A kite breeding a hawk.”

Kokai saki ni tatazu.
”Repentance never comes first.”

Utanai shotto wa, hyaku-pāsento hazureru.
”You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Deru kui wa utareru
”The stake that sticks out gets hammered down.”

Nana korobi, ya oki.
”To fall seven times, to rise eight times”

Marui tamago wa, kiri-kata ni yotte seihōkei ni suru koto ga dekimasu. Anata ga sorera o hanasu hōhō ni ōjite kotoba wa kibishīdeshou.
”A round egg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harsh according to how you speak them.”

karo tōsen
”Summer heater winter fan”

Bushi wa kuwanedo taka-yoji.
”A samurai, even when he has not eaten, uses his toothpick.”

Iwanu ga hana.
”Not-speaking is the flower (Silence is golden)”

Watashitachiha shōri kara hotondo manabimasen, haiboku kara ōku o manabimasu
”We learn little from victory, much from defeat”

Fukusui bon ni kaerazu
”Spilt water will not return to the tray.”

Me wa kuchi hodo ni mono o ii.
”The eyes speak as much as the mouth.(love needs no words)”

Ningen ni totte saidai no kiken wa, takai mokuhyō o settei shite tassei dekinai koto de wa naku, hikui mokuhyō o settei shite shimau koto da.
”The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is it too low and we reach it.”

Aisatsu wa toki no ujigami
”A greeting is the local deity who turns up providentially.”

Nurenu saki koso tsuyu omo itoe.
”People want to avoid the dew before they become wet.”

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