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Sister Sayings 👧👩🏼 in 2025

My sister taught me I should speak my mind. 

I love my sister because she is all the things I’m not, and she brings out the things I am that she isn’t. I bring out the best in her, and she brings out the best in me. It is one of the few, lifelong relationships that completes who I am.

Some kinds of sister-love are stronger than blood.

You can kid the world, but not your sister

Having a sister means I always travel with back-up.

Being your brother is an honor I didn’t ask for, but I’m proud of it every day.

Sisters are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way.

I know what you did, and I will tell Mom!

When we were little, you always watched out for me, big sis. You protected me from others, played with me even when you’d outgrown play time, let me tag along even though you didn’t really want to and were simply the best big sister ever. I love you and am so glad that we are sisters.

There’s nobody in the world that knows me better than my sister.

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