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Trump Sayings in 2025
To be blunt, people would vote for me. They just would. Why? Maybe because I’m so good looking.
Sometimes I don’t like people. And, you know, it doesn’t bother me. The hard ones are when you really like somebody, really respect somebody and they make a mistake.
[Kim Jong-Un] speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.
We’re rounding ’em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And they’re going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesn’t sound nice. But not everything is nice.
My favourite part [of Pulp Fiction] is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. ‘Tell that bitch to be cool. Say: Bitch be cool.’ I love those lines.
Look at my African-American!
It’s really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!
I fire people that win gold medals, great champions, everything else, and, you know, it’s not – it’s not easy. People say oh well it comes easy for me, it doesn’t. And it’s never fun. It’s all to easier though when I don’t like somebody or when they’re really, really bad then it becomes much easier.
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
I am the only one who can make America truly great again!
The line of ‘Make America great again,’ the phrase, that was mine, I came up with it about a year ago, and I kept using it, and everybody’s using it, they are all loving it. I don’t know, I guess I should copyright it, maybe I have copyrighted it.”
My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.
But I believe in fair trade, and I will tell you, I have many, many friends heading up corporations, and people that do just business in China, they say it’s virtually impossible. It’s very, very hard to come into China. And yet, we welcome them with open arms.
What I won’t do is take in two hundred thousand Syrians who could be ISIS… I have been watching this migration. And I see the people. I mean, they’re men. They’re mostly men, and they’re strong men. These are physically young, strong men. They look like prime-time soldiers. Now it’s probably not true, but where are the women?… So, you ask two things. Number one, why aren’t they fighting for their country? And number two, I don’t want these people coming over here.
“There’s always luck involved in things, luck is involved in life; you’re born a certain way, you’re born in a certain location, you’re born – country, there’s always luck. And some people disagree that there’s no such thing as luck, well, I’ll take them on anytime you want.”
I won’t do anything to take care of them. I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park.
No matter what you do – guns, no guns – it doesn’t matter. You have people that are mentally ill. And they’re gonna come through the cracks. And they’re going to do things that people will not even believe are possible.
Certain guys tell me they want women of substance, not beautiful models. It just means they can’t get beautiful models.