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Unicorn Sayings 🦄 in 2025
Like star dust glistening on fairies’ wings, little girls’ dreams are of magical things.
I think that if you have a horse, pegasus, qilin, or unicorn, you should sit on it! you should stroke its hair, whisper in its ear, be one with it! And you shouldn’t feel sorry if other people don’t have one.
Did you hear about the unicorn with the negative attitude? She always said neigh.
Be the unicorn you wish to see in the world.
Comic sans is never an appropriate font unless you are an 8-year-old girl writing poems about unicorns.
I believe in the possibility of the existence of anything I can’t prove doesn’t exist.
The unicorn was a marvelous beast, shining with honor, wisdom and strength. Just to see him strengthened the soul.
Everything today has been heavy and brown. Bring me a unicorn to ride about the town.
Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, anything can happen.
Poetry is news brought to the mountains by a unicorn and an echo.
Unicorns don’t care if you believe in them any more than you care if they believe in you.”
The last unicorn wasn’t really the last. And maybe she still isn’t.
A unicorn doesn’t stand around and worry about what other unicorns think of it. It just sparkles.
Roll me in fairy dust and call me a unicorn.
When my friends told me I was delusional, I just about fell off my unicorn.
I’m not weird. I’m a unicorn.
Life’s not easy for unicorns, you know. We’re a dying breed.
Sometimes we all need a unicorn to believe in. Sometimes we need a unicorn to believe in us.